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Soft Tennis

The Origin of Soft Tennis

The Origin of Soft Tennis

Soft tennis derived from tennis. From B.C 500, Persians and Egyptians played a ball by striking it with their palms. In the 13th century, the game spread to France among the royal court, the nobles, and the clergy, which was called Jeu de Paume ("game of the palm"). It is known as the ancestor of tennis. Then, it was introduced into the United Kingdom, and in the 16th century, rackets came in to use, leading to the modern tennis.
Soft tennis originated in Japan. Tennis arrived inJapan in the 1870, and at the time, tennis balls had to be imported. So the price was extremely high, which made it difficult to replace balls when they were lost or deflated. Japanese were inspired by rubber balls for little girls and made a substitute for tennis balls. The combination ofthe new soft rubber ball and existing tennis rules created a modern soft tennis.

Soft Tennis

Soft Tennis and Tennis

In Korea, ‘Junggu’(tennis) refer to the regulartennis. Depends on the kind of ball, there are ‘Gyeogsik Junggu’(regular tennis) and ‘YeonsikJunggu’(soft tennis).Regular tennis uses hard balls, whereas soft tennisuses soft balls, as their names indicate. However,‘Gyeogsik Junggu’came to be known as tennis to the public, so‘Yeonsik Junggu’became to be known as soft tennis.
Because soft tennis came from tennis, they have many similarities in theiruse of rackets and balls, along with the dimensions of standard court. However, soft tennis uses relatively lighter balls, thus its rackets are also lighter and smaller.Tennis uses both sides of rackets, while soft tennis uses only one side.

The History of Soft Tennis

The History of Soft Tennis in Korea / The Korean History of Soft Tennis

It is unknown when soft tennis was introduced into Korea. The news article of The Korea Daily News said Hoedong Club soft tennis team would hold a soft tennis tournamenton 23th April, 1910, whichimplied soft tennis was brought in before 1910.Then, in 1911, Japanese soft tennis players visited Seoul and played games with the Dai-Ichi Bankcombined teamand Bank of Chosen team.Additionally, Yongsan Railway soft tennis team held a tournament in Yongsan Railway court.
Early soft tennis tournaments are held mainly by Japanese because Japan employed soft tennis to colonize Korea. Nevertheless, contrary to Japan’s intent, Korean team won many tournaments in Japan, against Japanese team from 8th Meiji Shrine tournament in 1935 to 13th tournament.In the dark age of Korea under Japanese rule, soft tennis restored Koreans’ national pride and displayed our abilities by overpoweringJapanese.

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