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There is no official record of when soft tennis started in Anseong.
The oldest record is found in The Maeil Sinbo, 1921: “Anseong Young Men’s Association and Suwon Young Men’s Association played soft tennis games in Anseong Public Primary School’s playground.” This article suggests that soft tennis came in Anseong before 1921. In 1921, Anseong soft tennis team invited Pyeongtaek soft tennis team and held a tournament in Anseong Park court, located at currently known as Anseong Nakwon Park.
At the time, large scale tournaments were Kiho tournament and Kinam tournament. Among them, Kiho Soft Tennis Tournament was held in Anseong Park, resulting in Anseong soft tennis team’ victory.
Anseong was able to rise as the city of soft tennis, thanks to their exceptional players.
In 1953, starting with Anseong Girl’s High School soft tennis team, Anseong has established 8 soft tennis teams: Anseong Girl’s Middle School; Ansong Middle School, Anseong Elementary School; Baekseong Elementary School; Ansong High School; Hankyong National University; Anseong City Hall Business Sports Team. Anseong is the only city in Korea with an organized system to nurture Soft Tennis players from elementary school to business sports team.
This system allows Anseong to present world-class soft tennis players. For the past 16 world championships, Anseong produces more than 20 gold medalists.